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'Operation Code Blue' looks to provide warm items for the homeless community during the winter season

Midland Soup Kitchen just started 'Operation Code Blue', where they are collecting items like hats, coats, hand warmers, etc. to keep the homeless warm this winter.

MIDLAND, Texas — Operation Code Blue is the new mission launched this year by the Midland Soup Kitchen where the ministry is asking the public to help donate warm clothing and clothing items for the homeless or less fortunate. 

 "Operation Code Blue we named it that because of the cold and right now we’re needing toboggans anything you think is warm clothing. Jackets and preferably new or homemade toboggans that way it will last longer," says Nancy Ivy, Executive Director of Midland Soup Kitchen. 

Ivy says all of the donated items will be available out on the donation tables for people to come and find what they need. "they need them and a lot of times they discard them and lose them and they need to replace them. We have no questions ask, we give it out. Because the way it comes in is the way it goes out we don’t sell anything or make a profit of nothing," says Ivy. 

With Operation Code Blue, some items that you can donate are thermal socks, coats, blankets, hand warmers or even knitted hats. They are also in need of some sleeping bags because some people don't have a roof over their head. 

Credit: Midland Soup Kitchen

"Right now we’re needing what will keep them warm. Anything that will keep you warm they will need as well. Being outside or not outside. Everybody needs this and we don’t discriminate if you’re homeless or not you’re a human being you’re a human body. We wanna feed the soul and also feed the body," says Ivy. 

Despite being this being the first year of "Operation Code Blue," the ministry has always given out clothes, food and prayer to the community weekly. "When somebody comes in they’re gonna get blessed three ways. By clothing, by the Word of God and food in their bellies, that’s why we give at the Midland Soup Kitchen," says Ivy, "when somebody comes in and says thank you for keeping me warm. Just that simple thank you for helping that’s an impact on ourselves to know that we are helping the community, we are helping people come out and keep warm." 

You can donate any items to the kitchen located at 1401 Orchard Ln, Midland, TX 79701, Monday - Friday from 9:30am - 1:30pm.

Credit: Midland Soup Kitchen

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