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Memorial Day Ceremony held in Odessa to honor fallen heroes

Odessa American Legion held the ceremony at the Ector County cemetery as many veterans showed their support. Ector County Sheriff Mike Griffis spoke at the service.

ODESSA, Texas — On Memorial Day, West Texans took time to honor fallen heroes for the sacrifice they made for our country. On Monday night, the Ector County cemetery in Odessa was the site for a ceremony held by the Odessa American Legion Auxiliary Unit 430. 

Several veterans were in attendance to show their support on the day of remembrance. Ector County Sheriff Mike Griffis was asked to speak at the Memorial Day ceremony, and he said he was honored and surprised to do so. 

“Today’s one of the best days of the year, really and truly, that we can pay homage and honor and remember those who gave blood, gave their blood, their lives, for us to live in a free world, in a free country," said Sheriff Griffis. 

Over 640,000 brave men and women have fallen in the line of duty since world war I to defend this country and our freedom. 

Sheriff Griffis said we will forever be indebted to them, with Memorial Day serving as an opportunity for us to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice. 

“We in this area…we do take time out to honor those who have fallen, gave their blood for us…those guys were over there fighting for us and they don’t even know us…they know very few people that they were fighting for, but they were fighting for us," said Sheriff Griffis. "So, we’re obligated to honor those people.” 

Each military branch had a flag posted, and American flags also waved by the headstones of fallen soldiers. 

Several different groups presented wreaths during Monday’s ceremony. Supporting the families of those who have passed away is another important recognition. 

“Even though they [are] gone we haven’t forgot[ten] them, and show their family members that we’re still thinking about them also," said Tony Morgan, the Post Commander for the Odessa American Legion Auxiliary Unit 430. "That’s the most important thing, let the family know that the American Legion and all the citizens of the United States are thinking about their family members.” 

Sheriff Griffis highlighted the sacrifices that family members make. 

“Everybody pray for the families of those who have fallen…not only are their family members gone but they had to sacrifice, they’re sacrificing because of the loss of their family member or their friend, and just think of all those folks and just pray for them," said Sheriff Griffis. "Pray that God will give them wisdom, love and comfort during this time.” 

Sheriff Griffis noted that family members of military personnel live with a constant fear that something could happen to their loved one, and that we need to celebrate and appreciate them. He also mentioned that West Texas is the best in supporting military personnel, and that support was on display Monday night. 

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