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Walk through the new Safe Place of the Permian Basin

The new Safe Place of the Permian Basin building has doubled the capacity and will be able to serve even more clients with their new offices, kitchen & living space.

MIDLAND, Texas — Last year, construction was just getting started at the new Safe Place of the Permian Basin building in Midland.

On Oct. 11, the building is up and is getting ready to provide security, opportunity and the chance for people to get past their trauma and know that there is a safe place for them.  

"I think the color purple is something encouraging most people love it and it’s mostly just in spots so we’re not overwhelming people," Safe Place Executive Director Lee Anna Good said. "So when people see safe place and they see the color they’ll know this is where to come for what they need."

The purple walls signify the safety that can be found inside the walls of the building. 

With a new building, comes big new improvements, with the first and most importance one being security. 

"This is the public entrance, in order to get into the public entrance you’ll have to buzz in twice. Every entrance will have similar security entrance," Good said.

Each office space, that will either serve as an intake, advocacy or counseling room, has been revamped to benefit the clients and staff behind every door. With lots of detail going into every little thing. 

"Our architect planned for a lot of natural light from the ceiling you can see throughout the building windows," Good said. "Again we have these courtyards that bring a little nature into the situation all the landscaping is obviously brand new so it’ll take a while to grow in."

With this brand, new space will also be able to serve even more clients in need.

"Being here we’re going to double capacity to help people going from 66 beds to 120 so we need a lot more room to help people out," Good said. "This is the eating space and we have a couple of big rooms one for adults, one for teenagers, that will have computers that sort of thing for kids and adults that need them.

This larger eating space will provide three meals a day, all of which will be prepared from the Center's new and improved kitchen.

"[It] is going to help us. It's huge. It’s a full industrial kitchen," Good said. "We’ll have a refrigerator here, ways to prepare breakfast or snacks and then seating all through here."

Every family that stays at Safe Place will also now have their own space and privacy.

"So they’re not having to figure out how to deal with other peoples lives or children," Good said.

The new office spaces, state of the art kitchen and private living situations make it possible for Lee Anna and her team at the Safe Place of the Permian Basin to serve even more people in the area in need of help.

Safe Place of the Permian Basin is expecting clients before the end of 2023.

RELATED: New shelter means Safe Place of the Permian Basin can expand its services

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