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State and local leaders on the border crisis

Senator Ted Cruz did not mince words when it came to talking about the issues on the border.

MIDLAND, Texas — As a record number of children continue to cross the border, law makers are again placing the blame on the Biden administration. Health and Human Services are scrambling to make room for the children.

Senator Ted Cruz has been very outspoken about the crisis at the border. In Dallas to take a look at the convention center which is housing migrant children, he pointed directly to President Biden.

"This is a humanitarian crisis, it's a national security crisis, and it is a public health crisis, and all of this was entirely preventable," Cruz said.

Cruz bluntly stated that there are several reasons why we're seeing more migrants. One of those reasons involves the reversal of the remain in Mexico policy established under former President Donald Trump.

"Joe Biden ended the remain in Mexico international agreement. One of the most significant accomplishments of the Trump administration is President Trump had negotiated with the government to Mexico an agreement that individuals from Central America who are crossing illegally through Mexico would remain in Mexico while their asylum cases were proceeding here in the United States," Cruz said.

Locally, information is still limited on the Midland facility. However, local leaders are finally starting to get a peek inside. Midland mayor Patrick Payton said that some city council members got a look inside and assured him that the kids are being cared for.

"He assured me they are keeping the COVID kids separate from those who are not. The kids are being dressed well, the kids are being fed well, the kids are being taken care of. I was also assured and again I’ll affirm this tomorrow night that the staff out there is doing the best they can do," Payton said.

Payton also said that we may finally have an answer as to how the community can help these kids while they stay here.

"So we want to find out how our community can do the best they can with what they want to do to try to help take care of these kids. To quote one of our councilmembers, these kids in many respects hit the jackpot with where they are right now as far as the facility so we want to be able to help them as much as we can," Payton said.

Payton plans to take a tour of the facility himself and take a look at how it is operating on March 30.

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