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Local pharmacies experience high demand for at-home COVID-19 tests

Pharmacies are working hard to keep up with the needs of their customers.

MIDLAND, Texas — With the recent rise in COVID-19 cases, the community has also seen a rise in demand for testing, and it's not only at hospitals.

Pharmacies are seeing an increase in need for at-home COVID-19 tests, and they are trying to keep up with the demand.

"The ones that we have, they run out pretty quickly, so it's been hard to even get for patients," said Setor Akati, pharmacist at Doctor's Pharmacy in Midland.

The demand is something the pharmacy hasn't seen until recently.

"A month to two months ago, it was pretty easy to get, it was easily available," said Akati. "But within the past couple of weeks it's been out of stock."

Doctor's Pharmacy did have a few tests available, but supply runs out fast.

"I ordered for some last week on Monday, and within two or three days it ran out," said Akati. 

Results for the rapid at-home tests take around 15 minutes on average, Akati said. The pharmacy also has the more accurate PCR test, but the demand for it is less.

"Of course PCR is a little more expensive, so a lot of people would prefer to get a rapid one," said Akati.

NewsWest 9 contacted other pharmacies in the area and many of them are also seeing the high demand.

If you would like to get an at-home COVID-19 test, contact your local pharmacy.

You can also call 68-Nurse to make an appointment for a rapid antigen test at Midland Memorial hospital.


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