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'Take what you need, leave what you can' at this Odessa woman's blessing box

"I think that's what God calls us to do is to be servants and anyway that we can help. Even if it's a small way, it's a big way to somebody else" says Angie Garcia.

ODESSA, Texas — On the corner of 42nd and Moss in Odessa, sits a cooler and box with snacks inside. However, this isn't just any box, it's a blessing box. 

"It's just to bless people," says Angie Garcia, who started the blessing box. 

"They can either drop something off or take it and there's been some people that were asking me 'why don't you put a lock on it' with the blessing box and stuff but I said no if they really need it, I guess they can take it," says Garcia. 

She decided to place it right in front of her house along the street, after she noticed so many different types of people passing who could use a cold drink or snack.

"We've noticed that people walk by here and so that way if they're thirsty they can take some thing and there's a lot of poor and needy people around and they could use it," she says. 

"There's no special reason I just kind of think that sometimes there's people that need, that have a need, and we don't know. I like this, they don't have to go announce it you know they just come take whatever they want to take or leave whatever they want to leave

Fully stocked with all different food and drinks, Garcia says how she didn't put all of it there herself. 

"Like in a few days, it's gone. So I know they come and they bring. So I put a little bit but the community is the one that really fills it up,"

With the community's help and this only being the start for her, she says she's just doing what God's calling her to do. Because in the end, this blessing box is also blessing her. 

"I think that's what God calls us to do is to be servants and anyway that we can help. Even if it's a small way, it's a big way to somebody else so, I do believe that it's a blessing for other people and that's what we're called to be on this earth," says Garcia. 

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