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Keep Midland Beautiful talked 'Wish-Cycling' at Lunch & Learn

Tips on everything recycling were discussed at Centennial Library for Keep Midland Beautiful's Lunch & Learn.

MIDLAND, Texas — Keep Midland Beautiful hosted their Lunch & Learn event at Centennial Library Wednesday to talk about everything recycling.

One of the issues that KMB said becomes a problem is when people throw different types of materials into the bins, assuming they can "all" be recycled. This is called "Wish-Cycling".

To help with this, the City of Midland updated their bins recently to show what can and can't be recycled.

"Wish Cycling is when you wish to recycle, you want to recycle, you do it and it may not be correct or in the exact bin," KMB Executive Director Joy Paulson. "All those measures you take to ensure you recycle. We mention that when you look at plastic you are like, 'Oh I can recycle that,' but you have to make sure it's the right material because what happens is it gets rejected from our recycling centers and goes into a landfill."

People can recycle at the Citizens Collection Station on Smith Rd., which is near the Midland Airpark.

Recyclables can also be taken to BRI Recycling on Industrial Ave. and CMC Metals can recycle your appliances and secure document shredding that'll take paper.

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