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Neighbors help young Odessa boy attacked by dogs

Colton Dixon was on his way to the bus stop when he was attacked. Neighbors heard his screams before helping him escape, and they are still supporting as he heals.

ODESSA, Texas — Dogs are known as man's best friend, friendly and loving but also aware and protective. The aggressive nature of dogs usually only comes into play against other animals, but for one Odessa family, they felt a direct impact. 

A 12-year-old boy from Odessa was attacked by a trio of dogs that he believes were pit bulls. The young man was on his way to the bus stop when it happened last Thursday, and although he was injured with the dogs still on the loose, he and his mom are full of gratitude. 

Near Lamar and 87th Street in Odessa marks a trail of blood from 12-year-old Colton Dixon. 

“I was just wondering what I did wrong to them," Colton said. "When it bit my leg, when it let go, I was going back away. Then it tried biting me again but it missed. Then I started screaming again, and then it bit my hand because it was trying to bite my other leg – trying to get me down – but I put my hand in front.” 

During the attack, those screams were heard, says his mom Jordan Land. 

“Luckily we live in a neighborhood that when they hear someone needing help they come, and they were able to get the dogs off of him and scare them off and they instructed him to run home," Land said. 

However, that was easier said than done. 

“I couldn’t really run because I was really freaked out and I couldn’t talk, so I was mostly speed-limping the way here," Colton said. 

Whether speed-limping or running, his neighborhood helped him escape. 

“I believe that the injuries that he sustained could have been a lot worse," Land said. "He was able to stay on his feet, not get knocked over – those are the types of things that you don’t want to happen if you are going to get bit by a dog – and so he was able to keep himself up and then the neighbors got involved as soon as they could. Two of them hopped a fence and ran a couple of blocks, and another one came out immediately and distracted the dogs and scared them off.” 

Their support has even gone beyond that day. 

“Our nextdoor neighbors, there was a gift basket on our porch before we got home, and someone sent him a can of popcorn," Land said. "Lots of people have reached out and offered to even give him a ride to school and take him home, or if he needed anything – snacks – while he’s home out sick they’ve been really supportive.” 

From being attacked by dogs to receiving gifts.

“Surprising!," Colton exclaimed about the gifts. 

Land mentioned that she is dropping Colton off at the bus stop as of now and that she also bought him dog deterrent. She noted that they are almost finished with his rabies vaccine, with Colton adding that he is feeling better. 

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