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FBI tips to protect your social media accounts

The FBI says much of keeping your accounts safe comes down to responsible usage.

MIDLAND, Texas —

Cyberterrorists trying to get your personal information online is a threat that law enforcement has brought to our attention several times over the past year, and something that has the potential to bring the American infrastructure to its knees.

More and more hackers are trying to get that information through social media sites like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

Opportunities for investments that don't look quite right, requests to share shady links or even appeals for money from unfamiliar accounts can all mean chances for criminals to nab your information.

So how can you protect yourself? The Federal Bureau of Investigation said in most cases it's all about common sense.

“It really comes down to the user,” FBI Special Agent Sergio Barrio said. “With our busy lives, we receive so many emails, we receive so many text messages, we receive a lot of posts in our social media, so the first line of defense is up to the user.”

So why is social media such a common battleground for cyberterrorists and scammers?

It's a frequent locale for both personal and professional work. Businesses, cities and regular everyday people use social media every day for all sorts of things.

But the FBI also suggests that it's because we tend to be pretty casual when it comes to social media.

So what can you do to keep your social media accounts safe?

According to the FBI, using two-factor authentication, stepping up your password game and practicing social media common sense are a good start.

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