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Keep Big Spring Beautiful holds Annual Comanche Trail Lake clean up event

'Love Our Lake' is an annual event that shows how up the community of Big Spring cares about the Comanche Trail Lake.

BIG SPRING, Texas — 'Love our Lake' is an annual event hosted by Keep Big Spring Beautiful that shows the community's love for the Comanche Trail Lake.

In this case, by cleaning up any litter in or around the lake.

“We want it to be nice for the community to come out and enjoy the lake without trash all around," said Liz Hafley, vice president of social media for Keep Big Spring Beautiful. "We do it once a year and we’ve been doing it for about ten years now.” 

However, the importance of cleaning up all the litter is more than just making things more pleasant to the eye. It’s also about protecting the lake itself from any harmful elements brought in by the litter.

“The water pollution; you don’t want to contaminate the water with different toxins and stuff like that… There’s the fish that live in there and, you know, we just need to keep it clean," Hafley said.

Hafley also said that one of the best treats to see during the event is seeing the community come together and work towards a common goal.

“When people come out, and it’s their first time coming out, they’re just surprised at all the litter that’s out there and it’s funny because you get a sense of community and a sense of pride when everybody comes out there and working together to get this job done.” Hafley added.

'Love our Lake' will be held at the Dora Roberts Community Center at 6:30 p.m. on June 26. 

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